
Blogs (general)

Rage against the man-chine

Liberation Collective

Feminist Current (blog and podcast by Meghan Murphy)

Against all evidence

I blame the patriarchy


Anti-Porn/Prostitution Resources

Stop Porn Culture

Pornography: Men Possessing Women by Andrea Dworkin (a must-read)

Survivors Connect

Rebecca Mott

Anti-Porn Feminists

Rage against the man-chine: The Porn Series

Trafficking, Prostitution, and Inequality (a public lecture by Catharine Mackinnon)

Why I Hate Fun


Women of Colour

Black Girl Dangerous

This Bridge Called My Back: Writings by Radical Women of Color (anthology)

Feminist Theory: From Margin to Center by bell hooks


Native Women’s Association of Canada


Pro-Feminist Men

Feminism and Masculinity (presentation by Robert Jensen)

The Anti-Porn Men Project

Blow Bangs and Cluster Bombs by Robert Jensen (essay)

I want a twenty-four hour truce during which there is no rape (speech made by Andrea Dworkin to a crowd of pro-feminist men – a must-read for all men who claim to care about feminism)

Refusing to be a man by John Stoltenberg (book)

White Ribbon Campaign (Canada – pledge to help end violence against women)



How to start a consciousness-raising group

Take Back the Night (international series of anti-rape rallies/protests)

Anti-Porn Activist Network (APAN)

Women Against Violence Against Women (Canada)

Vancouver Rape Relief & Women’s Shelter (Canada)

Object! Women Not Sex Objects (UK)


Eco-Feminism & Animal Rights

Feminism & Animal Liberation: Making the Links (presentation by Marti Kheel)

Striking at the roots of patriarchy (essay)

A call to feminists (article)

Vegan Starter Kit (free, online)

The Sistah Vegan Project

Vegans of Color

Vegans against PeTA